Complete kit for raw volatile acidity determination, with an automatic self-zeroing burette

Determination of raw volatile acidity after steam extraction

This kit includes a 25ml automatic self-zeroing burette on amber glass flask, with rubber bulb and siphon, a stand, pipette, crystallizer, reagent and a standard solution for a direct readout.

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  • 115001AV- Kit for volatile acidity determination with auto-zeroing burette
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Références concernées

  • 115001AV-Kit for volatile acidity determination with auto-zeroing burette


A standard sodium hydroxide solution is poured into the distillate obtained from steam distillation with some drops of phenolphthalein until it turns pink. 


  • Stand, rod and clamp for burette
  • Ground-joint flask and security clip
  • Versilic hose, 5/7mm diameter (Ref. 617102) 
  • Rubber bulb for siphon for automatic burette (Ref. 606000) 
  • Graduated automatic self-zeroing burette (Ref. 600145) 
  • 1 Erlenmeyer flask with long neck (250 ml) (Ref. 615250L)
  • Phenolphthalein 60 ml (Ref. 938060)
  • Acidimetric solution 500 ml (Ref. 902500) 

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