Legal notices

Publishers :

SAS (French simplified limited liability company) with capital of 500000,00 €
Siret : 44939339600022
Intra-Community VAT number: FR92449393396
Address : 872, route de la Gare - 37210 NOIZAY - France

Editor and publishing director :

Mr Laurent Dubreuil

Hosting :

140 Quai du Sartel-59100 Roubaix - France /

Creation and implementation:

84, rue des Clouet - 37210 Rochecorbon - France


Customer service
Tel.: +33 (0)2 47 25 58 25 - Fax : +33 (0)2 47 25 58 30
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You are entitled to access, make corrections or delete your personal information under the conditions provided for in the article 27 of Law 7817 of 6 January 1978. You may exercise this right by e-mail by writing to the address above.

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This whole site falls within French and International laws about copyright and intellectual property.
Reproduction or representation, entirely or partially, of the sections of this site is strictly forbidden.
Pictures and photos published on this site are Dujardin-Salleron company's property or used by it with the agreement of the owner of rights. The use of these pictures and photos by third parties without any authorization of Laboratoires Dujardin-Salleron can be considered as a violation of rights applicable to communication and advertising.
Reproduction and representation rights of all or parts of this site are strictly reserved. br> As a consequence, reproduction or representation of all or part of this site, in whatever form and on whatever medium, is strictly forbidden, except express written authorization issued by the publishing director. The documents that may be available for copying may only be used as informational and for a personal use only.
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Incoming links: the website of Laboratoires Dujardin-Salleron enables the publication of a hypertext link to its content, except "deep linking" method, namely pages must be accessible by opening a window; and mention the source