Winery 2.0: Dujardin-Salleron expands its offer 04 / 05 / 2017
Following the computerization of alcoholometry tables, LABOX®, a calculation software for all professionals in the wine and liquor industry, integrates henceforth all data from the triple inventory booklet by Pruvost-Le -Guay, to convert automatically and quickly determine the alcoholic content in a barrel.
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Dujardin-Salleron launches an additional module integrated in the LABOX ® software to complete its offer of wine warehouse instruments and tools for distilleries and wineries. For the first time since its publication in 1895, the triple inventory booklet is available in digital format enabling therefore a quick, simple, and accurate calculation of the alcoholic content in a barrel. This module completes the long list of applications offered in the LABOX ® software.
LABOX® is a computer program, unique in the world, that enables the generation of reliable computerized tables complying with the regulation. It provides computerized tools in the form of simple and practical modules for the daily calculations and various conversions. Its effectiveness and reliability far exceeds the use of paper tables and manual calculations. The database of these computerized calculators applies the abacus and alcoholometry tables used by professionals all over the world in accordance with customs procedures.
This solution has been developed by Evelyne CHANSON, EC Consulting manager. Evelyne CHANSON, Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, has an experience of more than 25 years in Quality Control of Wines and Spirits. Her competences in analysis and quality management are worldwide known and implemented.
The production of LABOX® has also permitted to dismantle and correct some inconsistencies in the regulation and mistakes in the abacus. Evelyne CHANSON’s studies have been published and formalized in the International Legal Metrology Organization in July 2015.
At a period of real digital revolution in the wine and distillate industry during the whole production process without modifying the traditional procedures, this innovative solution becomes an essential tool to simplify the daily work and bring the professionals in the wine and liquor industry towards digitalization. Laboratoires Dujardin-Salleron are in charge of its distribution in France and overseas. Free evaluations are available online.
For further information: http://labox-ecc.com/calculators/
LABOX® is a computer program, unique in the world, that enables the generation of reliable computerized tables complying with the regulation. It provides computerized tools in the form of simple and practical modules for the daily calculations and various conversions. Its effectiveness and reliability far exceeds the use of paper tables and manual calculations. The database of these computerized calculators applies the abacus and alcoholometry tables used by professionals all over the world in accordance with customs procedures.
This solution has been developed by Evelyne CHANSON, EC Consulting manager. Evelyne CHANSON, Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, has an experience of more than 25 years in Quality Control of Wines and Spirits. Her competences in analysis and quality management are worldwide known and implemented.
The production of LABOX® has also permitted to dismantle and correct some inconsistencies in the regulation and mistakes in the abacus. Evelyne CHANSON’s studies have been published and formalized in the International Legal Metrology Organization in July 2015.
At a period of real digital revolution in the wine and distillate industry during the whole production process without modifying the traditional procedures, this innovative solution becomes an essential tool to simplify the daily work and bring the professionals in the wine and liquor industry towards digitalization. Laboratoires Dujardin-Salleron are in charge of its distribution in France and overseas. Free evaluations are available online.
For further information: http://labox-ecc.com/calculators/