Complete kit for raw and corrected volatile acidity determination with two automatic self-zeroing burettes

Determination of raw and corrected volatile acidity after steam extraction

This kit includes two 15ml burettes with automatic self-zeroing on amber glass flasks, with rubber bulb and siphon, a pipette, a crystallizer, an Erlenmeyer flask and the reagents and standard solutions,

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  • 115301- Complete kit for VA (raw and corrected) determination with auto-zeroing burette
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Références concernées

  • 115301-Complete kit for VA (raw and corrected) determination with auto-zeroing burette


A standard sodium hydroxide solution is poured into the distillate obtained from steam distillation with some additional drops of phenolphthalein until it turns pink. In the presence of sulphurous acid (SO2) in the wine, the value found above is slightly in excess. It can be easily corrected by running an iodometric titration with a standard solution on the sample which has just been neutralized.


  • 2 automatic self-zeroing burettes (25ml - 1/10) (Ref. 600145)
  • 1 crystallizer (100ml - 70mm diameter) (Ref. 627070)
  • 2 security clips (Ref. 600195)
  • 2 ground-joint flask heads (Ref. 600194)
  • 2 amber glass ground-joint flasks (500ml) (Ref. 600145)
  • 2 bulbs for automatic self-zeroing burettes (Ref. 606000)
  • 1 pipette (10 ml - 1 mark) (Ref. 602010)
  • 2 VERSILIC hoses (5/7 diameter) (Ref. 617602)
  • 1 base (Ref. 600910)
  • 1 rod (Ref. 600921)
  • 1 clamp for two burettes with nut (Ref. 600905)
  • Phenolphthalein, 60ml (Ref. 938060)
  • Acidimetric solution, 500ml (Ref. 902500)
  • Bromothymol blue, 60ml (Ref. 940060)
  • Iodide/Iodate N/50, 500ml (Ref. 924500)
  • Sulphuric acid, 250ml (Ref. 932250)
  • Indicator, 125ml (Ref. 937125)

Produits associés

Acidimetric solution for total acidity - 500 ml

900500Acidimetric solution for total acidity - 500 ml

Acidimetric solution for volatile acidity - 500 ml

902500Acidimetric solution for volatile acidity - 500 ml

Iodide/Iodate N/50 - 500 ml

924500Iodide/Iodate N/50 - 500 ml

Sulphuric acid in 1/10 - 250 ml

932250Sulphuric acid in 1/10 - 250 ml

Starch - 125 ml

937125Starch - 125 ml

Phenolphthalein - 60 ml

938060Phenolphthalein - 60 ml

Bromothymol blue - 60 ml

940060Bromothymol blue - 60 ml