
Dissolved CO2

This is the simplest and most appropriate method to control dissolved CO2 at the winehouse. The measurement is carried out with a stoppered cylinder filled with the sample to analyze. After shaking the sample, the cylinder spills out a certain volume of the sample proportional to the CO2 content (Average accuracy of 50mg/l). It is delivered in a complete carrying case with calculation tables.

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  • 199000- Carbodoseur
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Références concernées

  • 199000-Carbodoseur


  • Cylinder (Ref. 199001)
  • Glass rod (Ref. 199002)
  • Stopper (Ref. 199003)
  • Shock-proof seal (Ref. 199006)
  • Thermometer -10/+60° (Ref. 199004)
  • Carrying case

Produits associés

Thermometer f/carbodoseur

199004-Thermometer f/carbodoseur

Complete glass stem f/carbodoseur

199008-Complete glass stem f/carbodoseur